Thursday, July 29, 2010

SD1: Benjamin Franklin


Ok, there is an explanation to this I swear.

I am going to be starting this new series: School Days. You see, for the past year, I have kept a quote a book to keep all the funny inside jokes in between me and my friends. It was at 3:00 this morning that I got the brilliant idea to make a series out of them. Now, keeping in mind that some might not appear funny considering they are inside jokes, I will alter and tweak them a little so the average joe will be able to enjoy reading them.

This one, however.

I was in english class with Amanda ( :iconyumisennyo: ) and while we were getting ready to write our Do Nows, I continued with my regular routine and asked her the date like I always do. She must have zoned out or something because she responded with: BENJAMIN FRANKLIN!
God... sometimes I just... I just don't know. XD

But I assure you there are tons and tons and funny little things like this in my notebook I'm just dying to share with you. (Most of them star Amanda and I but hey)

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